UBenefit Senior Supplemental Program

UBenefit Senior Supplemental Program
The International Union of Journeymen and Allied Trades is pleased to offer the FREE UBenefit Senior Supplemental Healthcare Program to our Medicare-eligible members.
Wellness is important in all our lives, and affording quality healthcare services should never be a worry. That’s why IUJAT is offering this special UBenefit Senior Supplemental Healthcare Program to help improve your wellbeing with benefits and services that are FREE with your union membership.
Spouses of active program members are welcome to join as well and receive their own membership for a price of $30/month with 6 months FREE for the first year!
- FREE Medicare Advantage Program
- FREE Hearing Care Program*
- FREE Dental Plan FREE Vision Coverage
* With enrollment in enhanced Medicare Plan
Sign up within one of our open enrollment periods:
- Nov 30th for Jan 1st effective date
- Apr 30th for Jul 1st effective date
Medicare Supplemental Plans
Your Medicare and hearing benefits will be administered by our new Medicare Benefit Administrator, AmWINS Group Benefits. AmWINS is a leader in innovative health care solutions with over 20 years of experience in administering retiree health plans.
While AmWINS will handle the day-to-day administration of your Medicare and hearing plan, UBenefit will sponsor your new supplemental Medicare plans. This UBenefit Senior Supplemental Benefit program is designed to provide you with new plan options and a greater customer service experience for answers to your questions about your medical, prescription drug and hearing coverage.
The new Medicare Benefit through AmWINS will provide you quality coverage for FREE as well as offer enhanced plans at low premiums only available through this program. To be enrolled with this benefit, you must complete all necessary forms provided by AmWINS. Please call the number below for more information.
FOR PLAN INFO CALL 800-881-0167
Coverage in the Medicare Supplemental Plans is subject to Open Enrollment and qualifying events.
The HealthPlex Healthy Smiles Program is also included at NO ADDITIONAL COST in your UBenefit Senior Supplemental. HealthPlex is one of the largest dental administrators in the nation. This plan includes access to a national network of participating dentists who are credentialed in accordance to National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) guidelines. All dentists participating in this program have been carefully screened and are monitored through HealthPlex’s Quality Assurance Program. In the state of New York, our networks range in size from 2,300 to 9,000 dentists, with over 3.4 million participants. The plan includes coverage for diagnostic and preventive care, basic procedures, major procedures, and orthodontia. Diagnostic and preventive care is FREE and other services are greatly discounted.
FOR PLAN INFO CALL 800-468-0600
Broad Discount Card
With the Broad Discount Pharmacy Card, you can save up to 70% on prescription prices. The card is free to use, and discounts are provided right at the pharmacy. You are simply responsible for paying the balance of the drug cost after the discount is applied.
UBenefit is pleased to announce that it has entered into an agreement with General Vision Services (GVS) to provide FREE, quality eye care benefits to our UBenefit Senior Supplemental Program members. There are no deductibles applied when you stay within your benefit plan and the GVS Network. The plan includes a yearly comprehensive eye examination, a selection of various frames, selection of lenses and coatings, contact lenses in lieu of glasses, a discount on Lasik surgery, and a loss/ damage protection plan.
Hear in America has been providing hearing care services to seniors since 1995. Our goal is to help people who need hearing correction get the best value and follow-up care possible. We provide more than just discounts; all of our operators have training in hearing science and hearing aids in order to help you better.
Free annual hearing screening for you and your extended family.
Access to a nationwide network of 3,000+ hearing locations.
For more information, contact:
718 658 4848 x 1282
Fax: 718 523 4732