The IUJAT is unique because its leadership believes that all affiliates should have the freedom to operate their unions in the manner their membership and leadership choose. The IUJAT believes that each affiliate’s membership and leadership have the right to chart their own course, so our affiliates’ members democratically select their leaders. Just as all workers are free to select a union and decide whether they wish to become a member, Local Union leaders are free to make the best decisions for the future of their unions. The IUJAT does not infringe upon the autonomy or rights of its affiliates. Our Constitution guarantees this.
The IUJAT is the fastest growing union in the nation, and it is also one of the nation’s oldest. Established in 1874, it existed 13 years before the American Federation of Labor was created. We received our first charter from the AFL in 1893. Today the IUJAT is independent, believing that its autonomy can be best preserved in this way. The IUJAT originally represented horseshoers, and its membership dwindled over the course of the 20th century as the trade became less common.
In 2002, new officers were elected to run the IUJAT who have led the union to exponential growth. It has since expanded into numerous additional jurisdictions, formed several National Unions and represents over 100,000 workers today. With dynamic leadership and a philosophy of ultimate freedom and democracy for our affiliates, it is no wonder that the IUJAT is the fastest growing, most forward-thinking union in the nation.
We are unique
The IUJAT is unique because its leadership believes in ultimate freedom and democracy for its affiliates. The International has no ability to trustee an affiliate or otherwise seize its assets or interfere with its day-to-day operations. International President Steven R. Elliott, Sr. began his career with a small independent union that he ultimately led to become a National Union with well over 20,000 members. When his union affiliated with the AFL-CIO, he had concerns over the fate of the union he led. Would the membership lose control of their union? Could the union be trusteed by the International? Would the union’s leadership be able to run the union as in the past?
You may have similar concerns. That is why the IUJAT is the ideal choice for independent unions interested in affiliation. The IUJAT’s Constitution provides ultimate freedom and democracy for all affiliated unions. The IUJAT’s leadership understands your position and has established its affiliation program to best meet your needs. The IUJAT offers a low per capita structure, requires no trusteeship provisions in its Constitution, and provides its affiliates with the freedom to run their unions without interference from the International.
In 2003, with the support of its affiliates, the IUJAT disaffiliated from the AFL-CIO. Time has proven that this was the right move. Not only has our departure from this moribund organization resulted in a major cost-savings to our members, but it has also unencumbered our union and freed us from the politics and bureaucracy that hinder those who still belong. Without the yoke of the AFL-CIO around our neck, the IUJAT and its affiliates have been able to flourish and grow while others have become stagnant and declined.
Mutual aid amongst affiliates
IUJAT affiliates participate in a Mutual Aid Agreement that provides for aid and strategic assistance to one affiliate by one or more other affiliates. Often, on a project basis, our affiliates are in need of short-term assistance. This Agreement enables the dedication of staff and resources between affiliates, which may not otherwise be available. This practice has such a legitimate and valuable union purpose in protecting collective bargaining rights and bringing the right to bargain to the unorganized that this policy has been formalized as a fundamental understanding amongst our affiliates.
Forging Relationships with other unions
All IUJAT affiliates are covered by the IUJAT’s No-Raid agreements with the IAM, Steelworkers, RWDSU, the UFCW, and the TWU. In addition to helping protect the IUJAT’s jurisdiction, these agreements facilitate future cooperative arrangements and joint organizing projects. The IUJAT is continually expanding the group of unions that it counts as allies and looks forward to working with these and other labor organizations in the future.
How you benefit by joining
The IUJAT has numerous programs that will assist you in organizing, educating your members and staff, performing research, and administering your union. Your members will have access to our newsletter, and you can access our Publications Department to create organizing materials. Our Research Department will assist you in corporate campaigns. Our Fund Administrators can work with you to enhance the benefits you provide your membership, and you may even be able to participate in existing benefit plans by affiliating.
Joining the IUJAT will make you a part of the most innovative, dynamic union in the nation. We are steeped in tradition, rich in history, and ahead of the pack in terms of moving into the 21st century. Become a part of the fastest growing union in the nation!
Autonomy and independence are important to our union. How would you guarantee these rights for us?
Autonomy and independence are important to the IUJAT as well. The IUJAT provides an extraordinary degree of autonomy and independence for its Local Unions and affiliates. Your union will retain the right to hire its own staff, negotiate and sign its own contracts, decide what issues should be taken to grievance and arbitration, and control its assets and budget. We do not believe that you should lose your autonomy when you become an affiliate of the IUJAT. Our philosophy is one of ultimate autonomy and freedom and we are willing to guarantee that. Our Constitution prohibits the International from imposing trusteeships, merging Locals, or otherwise infringing upon your autonomy. Therefore, control of your Local Union cannot be taken out of the hands of your officers and membership.
What is the governing structure of the union?
The IUJAT is governed by a Convention held every five years. Local Unions send their own delegates to the Convention. All major policy decisions for the International Union, including election of officers and board members, passage of policy resolutions, and changes in the Constitution and Bylaws are made by the Convention.
The day-to-day operations of the International Union are directed by an elected International President, International Executive Vice President, International Secretary-Treasurer, several International Vice Presidents, and International Trustee(s). International Vice Presidents are all leaders of IUJAT-affiliated unions.
Will the International be able to trustee or take over my Local Union if it so desires?
In its Constitution, the IUJAT is prohibited from imposing trusteeships upon affiliated unions. In the event of certain extreme conditions, usually related to financial or representational problems, the IUJAT has the right to expel an affiliate, in which case the former affiliate would revert to its prior independent status, retaining all its members and assets.
Will property and assets currently held by my Local Union be transferred to the IUJAT?
No. All existing property and assets of an affiliate are to be totally retained and controlled by it. This is guaranteed in the Affiliation Agreement.
Will we choose our negotiator, as well as negotiate, approve, and sign our own contracts without having to get the approval of the International Union?
Yes. Your Local Union will retain the right to negotiate and approve and sign its own contracts using whatever negotiators it chooses. This right is guaranteed in the Affiliation Agreement. If your Local’s leadership requests, the IUJAT may provide professional staff members to assist with all phases of bargaining, including training, research, and communications.
What services will be provided to us as a result of the Affiliation Agreement? How will the services be paid for in the future?
The IUJAT provides a broad range of services to all their Local Unions. These services include, but are not limited to, the following:
Member Benefits
The IUJAT UBenefit Program provides a wide range of benefits and services available to IUJAT members only, including benefits such as a legal services program, a travel club, a home mortgage program, and low-cost life insurance.
A key element for many new affiliates is training. The IUJAT provides a full range of leadership, steward, collective bargaining, organizing, research, health and safety, communications, new staff, and union administration training to Local Unions. The IUJAT will assist a new affiliate in developing customized training for stewards, officers and staff, and negotiations training.
Information on contract clauses, wage and benefit surveys, health and safety, career development, and other issues is available through the IUJAT Research Department. The IUJAT also has a division for performing strategic research used in large-scale corporate campaigns.
Healthcare Benefits
Staff experts on health benefits are available to analyze existing health benefit programs and to advise Local Unions on negotiating the preservation and improvement of benefits with management and industry representatives. IUJAT membership may also make several existing health plans available to your membership.
401 (k)
The IUJAT has partnered with Empower, the #1 retirement plan provider recommended by financial professionals. Empower offers a wide range of investment choices, provides the participant with informative investment guidance, and understands the needs of union members.
Legislative Program
Providing an effective voice for IUJAT members in Washington, DC is the responsibility of the Legislative Department. The IUJAT also provides a wide range of support services to its unions at the state and local level.
The IUJAT also provides support in the development of Local Union communications programs, newsletters, special videos, publications, websites, video conferences, and new media. Upon request, the IUJAT will assist you in the development or production of needed publications, graphic and editorial design services, and other communications materials. Your Local Union will also be able to receive and participate in the IUJAT newsletter.
Local Union Administration
The IUJAT works with Local Union affiliates on planning, budgeting, money management, and record keeping. The International has assisted a number of Locals in recent years, at their request, in a complete redesign of their financial and administrative operations. Our state-of-the-art systems are available to our affiliates as a method of enhancing the efficiency of their operations.
Do you provide training for Shop Stewards?
Yes, the IUJAT will provide instructors and training materials for as many stewards as your Local designates.
If we are unhappy with the Affiliation Agreement, how can we disaffiliate?
We recognize the need for a trial period, and your union will have the right to disaffiliate its existing members during the first four years of the agreement.
The Home Healthcare Workers of America (HHWA) represents home healthcare workers who have joined together to achieve better wages, benefits, and working conditions in their industry. HHWA represents tens of thousands of workers in the tri-state area who have gained job security, protection from unfair termination, guaranteed pay, time off, and benefits. HHWA represents the fastest growing segment of the IUJAT, making the HHWA one of the most successful National Unions in the country.
The United Service Workers Union (USWU) represents approximately 40,000 workers in many diverse industries throughout the United States with offices in its home state of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. USWU offers superior union representation with collective bargaining agreements that frequently set the standards for their industries. USWU members enjoy excellent compensation, benefits, and working conditions as well as aggressive defense of their rights through the grievance and arbitration process. Because of this, USWU's membership numbers remain stable even during downturns in the economy.
National Organization of Industrial Trade Unions (NOITU) is the heartbeat of the labor movement, deeply rooted in our commitment to the hardworking individuals who power our industries. Formed from the initials of the “National Organization of Industrial Trade Unions,” our National Union is proud to be a member of the International Union of Journeymen and Allied Trades (IUJAT), forging a powerful alliance for workers’ rights.
The United Public Service Employees Union (UPSEU) is a public sector National Union committed to providing professional, on-site representation, superior negotiations, and adherence to democratic principles for the benefit of its members and their families. Representing over 28,000 public sector workers, UPSEU's Locals are among the fastest growing unions in the Northeast. With roots dating back 30 years, UPSEU's Local Unions have consistently maintained a commitment to providing the best level of representation available to public employees in the country.
The International Union of Journeymen and Allied Trades (IUJAT) contains several directly affiliated Local Unions that are not part of one of our National Unions. These are Locals that were either newly chartered by the international or former independent unions that affiliated with IUJAT so that their members could enjoy the additional benefits and protections of being part of our organization.
The International Union of Journeymen and Allied Trades (IUJAT) contains several directly affiliated Local Unions that are not part of one of our National Unions. These are Locals that were either newly chartered by the international or former independent unions that affiliated with IUJAT so that their members could enjoy the additional benefits and protections of being part of our organization.
For more information or to speak to an IUJAT representative, please contact our office at:
International Union of Journeymen and Allied Trades
93 Lake Avenue, Suite 103, Danbury, CT 06810-6342
Telephone: (203) 205-0101
Email: info@iujat.org