Nothing matters more to us than your job. It's why we're here. You rely on your job to provide the best quality of life possible for yourself and the people you care about. The work you do and the security it provides you, your family, your employer, and your community are the foundation for a healthy and happy society in which we can all thrive and prosper. We strive to keep that foundation strong by protecting your interests and safeguarding your rights at work.

Nothing matters more to us than your job. It's why we're here. You rely on your job to provide the best quality of life possible for yourself and the people you care about. The work you do and the security it provides you, your family, your employer, and your community are the foundation for a healthy and happy society in which we can With both small, member-run locals representing workers at a single employer and large 12,000 member locals representing a wide range of workers, for the USWU, no shop is too big or too small. We represent diverse industries, and our membership works in a variety of vital fields including automotive, transportation, clerical, public sector, professional, industrial and allied, building and construction, alarm and electrical, service and maintenance, HVAC, and petroleum service and distribution. This diversity is a great part of our strength.
Our membership reflects the diversity of the industries we serve. The USWU is dedicated to the rights of all working people, including those of traditionally underserved communities, such as women, minorities, and immigrants, all of whom make valuable contributions to our workforce. Unfortunately, these groups are often disenfranchised, and have often been excluded from the benefits of unionization. The USWU’s inclusivity enables all working people to enjoy the protections offered by working under a collective bargaining agreement (CBA).
The USWU is working on organizing campaigns in multiple industries, such as bus companies, automotive dealerships, construction companies, transportation, HVAC companies, moving companies, and the public sector. Organizing new shops is the lifeblood of our union, and it is vital in today’s economic environment.
The key to our success is that we deliver on our promises to our members. Our members enjoy excellent representation and service from their union and work under contracts that provide them with benefits and wages that surpass those received by their peers. Our members are our best source of new growth. USWU members have been spreading the word to their colleagues. More and more, new members are coming into the union because of the recommendations we receive from other satisfied members. There is no better endorsement than that.all thrive and prosper. We strive to keep that foundation strong by protecting your interests and safeguarding your rights at work.
For more information or to speak to an USWU representative, please contact our office at:
United Service Workers Union
145 Huguenot St, Suite 420, New Rochelle, NY 10801
Telephone: (718) 658-4848