Political action
Fighting to protect your wages, benefits, and collective bargaining rights

Why participate?
Workers face frightening changes on the local level that we need to get in front of. Anti-worker special interest groups are more aggressive and better funded than ever. As a result, terms of employment that should be negotiated at the bargaining table are now being decided in the governing halls of Trenton, NJ and Albany, NY.
Example: Chapter 78, passed in New Jersey, took away the right of public sector members to bargain the cost of medical contributions and mandated that employees pay a percentage. No choice, no negotiation.
We Can fight back
Together, we will hold our politicians accountable and stand up to protect what you have earned.
What can members do?
SIGN UP FOR IUJATPAC. Encourage your coworkers and other members to participate. It is important for each and every member to participate in order to be successful.
USWU, IUJAT has a diverse membership, often with unique and distinct concerns in their respective fields. With IUJATPAC, our goal is to address these concerns on an industry-specific basis.
- Provide feedback directly from their workplaces and communities about what directly affects their future.
- Call representatives to voice their concerns and advocate on behalf of themselves and fellow members.