The United Service Workers Union
- USWU Local 1
- NUSWU Local 255
- USWU Local 339
- USWU Local 355
- USWU Local 363
- USWU Local 455
- USWU Local 1212
- USWU Local 2
- USWU Local 111-M
- USWU Local 111-S
- USWU Local 655
- USWU Local 755
USWU Joint Council 1217, IUJAT
- USWU Local 74
- USWU Local 555
- USWU Local 811
- USWU Local 1031
The USWU is comprised of 18 affiliated Local Unions. The USWU’s Local Unions are the driving force behind the growth we have enjoyed. Our Local Unions represent our traditional and long-term membership, and we also are continually branching out into new areas and industries. We aggressively defend our members’ rights through the grievance and arbitration process, and in the current economic climate, our efforts are of vital importance. Our members continue to enjoy the best representation available and are working under collective bargaining agreements (CBAs) that are frequently setting the standards for their industries.
While there has been a shift amongst other unions within the labor movement to trustee or consolidate memberships into mega-locals where there is little democracy or opportunity for members to be heard, the USWU continues to promote union democracy and membership participation through member-run Locals.
Another structural feature of the USWU is our Joint Council 1217, which affiliated with the USWU in 2007. Joint Council 1217 provides support and assistance to four USWU Locals. The Joint Council allows these Local Unions to share administrative functions, which keeps costs low and efficiency high. The formation of this intermediate body is yet another example of how the USWU—in partnership with its affiliates—seeks to streamline operations and keep resources available for affiliates.
The United Service Workers Union (USWU), IUJAT can trace its origins back to a small independent labor organization, representing approximately 4,000 members, that was created in the 1950s. In 1987, under the leadership of USWU’s then-president Steve Elliott Sr.—who joined the Local in 1980 and served as president from 1987 to 2000—the Local grew to approximately 20,000 members within seven years. The exponential growth of the Local and its national identity soon led to the creation of the USWU, a National Union with over a dozen subordinate Locals.
Today, under President Lori Ann Ames, the USWU represents approximately 30,000 members within 18 affiliated local unions throughout the United States. The USWU’s headquarters are located in New Rochelle, NY, and it has satellite offices in Florida, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut and members throughout the nation.

The USWU has traditionally represented workers in the petroleum, automotive, alarm, and transportation industries. However, as the USWU has grown in size, its jurisdiction has continued to expand to cover employees working in construction, HVAC, building service, the public sector, white collar professionals, moving, office/clerical, service, telecommunications, and manufacturing industries. Today, the USWU has several large divisions of its membership: automotive, transportation, construction, energy, public sector, and allied/industrial.

Much of the USWU’s success and growth can be attributed to our innovative, experienced leadership and our commitment to organizing. The USWU dedicates approximately 90% of our overall annual budget to costs associated with representing its members. The USWU has dozens of professional organizers on staff, and we are always adding new members to our ranks.
The USWU’s 18 affiliated Local Unions have enjoyed unprecedented growth and prosperity. Our growth can be attributed to the USWU leadership’s commitment to purposeful grassroots organizing, affiliations and mergers with independent labor organizations, and cooperative joint ventures with other labor unions.
We pride ourselves on being a forward-thinking organization with the ability to react quickly to the dynamic environment in which we operate. The principles that guide our decisions continue to be putting the interests of our members first, providing support and autonomy to our affiliates, structuring our union to provide for the greatest level of democracy, and operating as efficiently as possible

Not only is the USWU’s success reflected in our growth and outstanding member benefits, but it is also mirrored in the workplaces of our membership. USWU members are at the top of their industries, enjoying competitive wages, excellent benefits, secure employment, and dignified working environments through the united efforts of the USWU’s officers and staff.
Over the years, the USWU has seen unprecedented growth. Since 2005, the USWU has achieved a truly remarkable 22% increase in membership. Unlike many other unions that are in decline, our membership has remained stable due to aggressive grassroots organizing and affiliation initiatives. This has been accomplished while maintaining our commitment to providing the highest level of representation to our members. Our focus remains steady, and we continue to dedicate approximately 90% of our resources to the representation of our members.

As a result of our success, the USWU is able to offer the most advanced, top-notch benefit plans, providing secure medical, welfare, and employment separation benefits to our membership for over 50 years. USWU’s Taft Hartley Fund provides fully insured medical, dental, life, AD&D, and supplemental disability benefits. The USWU also offers our membership the ability to participate in a 401(k) plan.
The USWU’s UWF-Security Division provides our members with employment separation benefits. Through collective bargaining, participating employers contribute to each member’s individual Security Division account. Annually, the Security Division Trustees declare an annual dividend. To guarantee the security of our members’ accounts, our participants’ balances are invested only in bonds that are 100% guaranteed by the United States government.

The Future
The USWU has a solid plan for remaining a strong, vital organization. In these uncertain times, we must plan and be prepared for the unexpected. It is our goal to build on our great successes over the past years and find new areas for growth. The USWU remains vigilant for opportunities to expand our membership into new and different industries and works to grow in our established industries. Our greatest strength is our membership. Building our ranks is the best way to maintain our bargaining power and continue to improve the working lives of our members.