About the IUJAT 401(k) Plan



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You work hard to provide for yourself and your family. By participating in the IUJAT 401(k) program, you can also provide for your future.  

Social Security alone no longer ensures a secure retirement. The better you understand your options, the better prepared you’ll be when you retire, and you’ll get plenty of help along the way.

The IUJAT has partnered with Empower®, the #1 retirement plan provider recommended by financial professionals.  

Image courtesy of Empower

Participants can look forward to:

  • A wide array of investment options.

  • 24/7 account access by phone, on the web or on your mobile device.

  • Support from participant service representatives and retirement counselors.

  • A user-friendly website with a wealth of online tools and resources.

  • Loans allowing participants to borrow from account balance.

Image courtesy of Empower

Tax Advantages to Contributing

Tax-deferred contributions are a great way to save for retirement. They allow you to save for the future with dollars you would otherwise pay in current taxes. Contributing to a retirement plan is a great way to save for retirement without significantly affecting your take-home pay. Because federal and state taxes are not paid on the amounts you contribute, you may reduce your current taxable income.

The more you contribute to the plan, the lower your taxable income becomes and the larger your retirement savings may be.

Money you save benefits from tax deferred growth, which lets your money compound more quickly than it would if it were taxed yearly. In addition, Social Security is based on your income before you defer. That means your Social Security benefits stay the same no matter how much you defer.

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Tax-deferred contributions are a great way to save for retirement. They allow you to save for the future with dollars you would otherwise pay in current taxes.