April 7, 2021

HHWA Fights for Your Priority Vaccine Access

Crain’s New York’s influential “Health Pulse” newsletter recently featured an article, "Home care workers also want priority access to vaccine" about HHWA, home healthcare, and our persistent efforts to secure for our members the workplace protections they need during this pandemic.

HHWA is pleased to report that those efforts have been successful! Home healthcare workers will be included in PHASE 1 of Covid-19 vaccinations, alongside other front line medical personnel. In most cases, vaccination will be coordinated through the member’s employer or agency. Further details will be forthcoming, and information about the vaccination program itself can be found here:


From the Crain’s article:

"Our members care for some of the most vulnerable folks in the population," said Lori Ames, Home Healthcare Workers of America's national secretary-treasurer. "We certainly want our members protected, but we want their patients protected as well."